To carry out activities related to the KA229 a project was requested to work in the eTwinning platform and they were approved by us on Thursday 22 November 2018.
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018
DISSEMINATION: Onda Naranja COPE interview
On Friday 26 at 10 in the morning, the director of IES Ausiàs March, Amparo Bataller and the European program coordinator, Miquel Morell, interviewed Onda Naranja COPE de Gandia. They have been interested in the European programs that are being developed in the center and the multilingual program that was implemented in this course at the institute as a result of the impact that the KA1 course has on the European program in its center past We have an image of the podcast of the station.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018
Conselleria d'educació delivers a certificate of recognition
On Thursday 25th, we will be handing over to the Auditorium of the Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sports of the Valencian Community, the General Director of Language Policy and Management of Multilingualism, Rubén Trenzano Juan of the certificate as recognition in the 'approval of the Erasmus + project within its action KA229 "Being a Global Citizen and Future Skills". Amparo Bataller, director of the center and Miquel Morell, coordinator of international projects, take the award at the IES Ausiàs March in Gandia.
CULTURAL HERITAGE: Visiting "museu faller" & "Clarises museum"
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018
DISSEMINATION: Tele Safor local television interview
El dimecres 24 a les 17 de la vesprada les 3 delegacions que formen part del projecte KA229 que enviarà alumnat de secundària de l'IES Ausiàs March a Finlandia i Polònia són entrevistats pel periodista Daniel Ardid a l'hotel Bayren de la platja de Gandia. Les coordinadores del projecte Helena Haranen (Finlandia) i Aneta Walasek (Polònia) són entrevistades fent Àngels Roselló les feines de traducció i per part de la delegació de Gandia s'entrevista a la directora i el coordinador de l'institut.
PROJECT MEETING: Preparing C3 mobility
On Wednesday, the 24th in the afternoon, a new working session will be held in which all the issues related to mobility will be discussed in Poland in October 2019.
PROJECT MEETING: Preparing C2 mobility
La vesprada del dimarts es dedica a la gestió, distribució de tasques, organització i altres qüestions pertinents a la 2na mobilitat que tindrà lloc a Finlàndia. Prèviament cada centre ha realitzat una presentación del seu sistema educatiu per poder emmarcar millorment qualsevol qüestió dins del projecte.
martes, 23 de octubre de 2018
CULTURAL HERITAGE: Visit to the Palau dels Borja
On Tuesday 23th there was a cultural visit to the city of Gandia in which the delegations of Finland and Poland visited the Palau dels Borja accompanied by the professors of IES Ausiàs March: Cristina Camarena and Adela Cascales.
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018
Welcome reception to our High School
On Tuesday 23 the two delegations are received at the High School by the students of 4th of ESO candidates to carry out the first student mobility. First of all, teachers are invited to make a tour around the High school while students explain them details about their everyday school life at the institute. After that, all visitors are invited by Spanish crew to a breakfast where everyone introduce themselves and where the students candidates share their impressions with everyone.
domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018
Welcome dinner (getting to know each other)
Once the reception in the city hall has finished, the Finnish and Polish delegations are invited by the Gandia Erasmus Team to a work dinner so theyy can get to know each other and explain their expectations in a relaxed atmosphere.
Reception at Gandia Town Hall
On Monday, October 22, the Councilor for international relations, Liduvina Gil of the City of Gandia, welcomes the delegations of Finland and Poland to the "Being to global citizen and future skills" project that cooperates with the IES Ausiàs March institute. In the photo we can see the Headmistress, Amparo Bataller and the European project coordinators Àngels Roselló and Miquel Morell who, together with the Erasmus + team, have been responsible for organizing this visit to the city of Gandia in the week of October 22 to 26.
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018
Programme for the C1 mobility
Erasmus + team of the IES Ausiàs March has prepared the following program to carry out their first mobility of the program.
martes, 16 de octubre de 2018
State Journey SEPIE KA229
The IES Ausiàs March has been invited during the days 15 and 16 of October to the journey and workshops organized by the service for the internationalization school (SEPIE) in the city of Toledo. The purpose of these days was to inform the beneficiaries of KA229 projects throughout the state all those developments for the purpose of the correct management of them. For this reason around 400 coordinators of projects of educational institutions throughout the state have assisted in communications and participated in workshops to be able to convey to the work teams of each institute and to successfully carry out every project.
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018
Celebrating the European day of languages
On September 26 we celebrated within the High School "The European Day of Languages." In this academic year, from the tutorials we have conducted a practice in which it is been talked about the languages that disappear in the European Union lately. As a result of the KA1 project, in the current course it has been approved a multilingual experimental group at the 1st of ESO and that is why it has been focus more emphasis on them because they know many things on the European projects in which our school participates and they will be the main actors at some point. Here we have an image of the mural they did with her homeroom teacher and English teacher, Àngels Roselló.
sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018
KA229 project approval
On September 11 the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) has confirmed with listings of selected centers that the KA2 project "BEING A GLOBAL CITIZEN AND FUTURE SKILLS" at the IES Ausiàs March school has been selected.
This project is coordinated by the Leppävaaran lukio institute, from the town of Espoo in Finland, and the IV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Henryka Sienkiewicza of Czestochowie in Poland is another partner.
viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018
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